Woolen Meadow Farm
Growing exceptional fleeces for discriminating handspinners
SHEARING TIME CHANGED TO 3 PM today, the 11th of April. Fleeces this year look fabulous. As I have been rebuilding the flock, I have only robust yearlings and 2 year olds. Check out the fleeces page to see photos of how they are looking. Shearing for 2023 will be April 11 about 3pm. Visitors are welcome but please contact me if you are coming. Wear boots due to our very wet grass.
Shearing Day
Thank you for joining us!
Although the day was chilly, it was warm with visitors. After last year's shearing at the start of the Covid lockdown, it was just fabulous to see everyone. Elisabeth worked her magic at the skirting table, John on the weighing, Ann, Courtland, and George at catching sheep and removing coats, Ruth, Sam, Amelia, and Josie also skirting. Who am I forgetting?
Most of the fleeces look absolutely beautiful, and we skirted as they were sheared. However, some were dirtier than expected, so they will be discounted. There is virtually no vegetable matter in them, as they were coated, and neck wool removed at skirting.
After shearing, we moved to the wool studio for a bowl of chili and hot cider or tea. I can't tell you how much I enjoyed chatting with everyone and catching up. Thank you all for coming.
I have a few of the fleeces up on the "Fleeces" page. I'll be getting more on soon, along with the pricing. I've been busy with lambing the past several weeks, it's been fun! Fleece prices will range from about $9- $13/lb when sold as a whole fleece. Let me know if you have any questions of want more pictures of any of the fleeces.
Happy Spinning!